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Eulogy for The Yulai Federation (EVE History)

Who are Yulai Federation and why are they still intact - an EVE corp history told by supersuperbad ( are_they_still/ )” - /u/supersuperbad, Aug 25, 2015 My first home in nullsec was with the corp Yulai Guard, under the alliance Yulai Federation. With YF I fought for the JEIV-E pocket and northern provi for 3 years, until earlier this year when the decision was made by alliance leadership to leave our home and join legacy. I, and many others, left YF to stay in Provi, and I consider that the moment my alliance died. I waited to write something about it until now out of respect for my friends who wanted to try and revive the alliance, but now that all actual corps have left and it appears to be shuttered I feel like I should write a little something. Whatever YF propaganda I could find on my computer: I thought about writing this as a grand multipart story of the rise and ...

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